coopej01 - thanks for your assistance in that. The original map had a few errors, and there are three downloads for it on the thread for it. I guess I had forgot and used the first one. The Beer had been brought up in the thread and, wouldn't you know it, I'm the one who did the repair for it after Slappy pointed it out
When I do these SAMs, I run thru the cities and mark my sheet for what is needed in the cities. I then go thru the Goods XML and note which finished Goods do not belong there. If they are not needed and are listed, they show up in the Goods list, and nothing shows on the map when you click on them. From there I go to the Industries XML and check which Goods are needed and produced. Then I move on to the TrainCars XML, removing any cars that are not needed. I slip back to the Goods XML and edit that if needed. I add the Tenders and pack the needed files into the FPK.
vzbob, Tijer and I may miss things now and then
, and I'm thankful for people like you to point them out for repair
. I kind of figure that anyone downloading and running these are the real testers, and hope they will post these things
. Some people, like me, seldom pay attention to the Victory screen, if at all
You keep playing the SAMs, and keep up the great work of reporting any problems
Valencia has been repaired and reposted.
I'm correct 97% of the time..... who cares about the other 4%....