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Post by darkheath » Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:05 am

... or something similar?

I've had this game for a while now, but finally had a gfx card installed that will run the game.

But is there REALLY no way to alter or erase a route once it's laid? This nearly makes this game unplayable if it's the case. I eventually screw up a line. That's a given. This last time I could get my freight to Pittsburgh because of it. I even wasted time and money trying to build another track around the one city where the mixup was built and it still didn't work for some reason! Meanwhile... JP Morgan has nearly doubled my net worth and is cruising to victory! I just quit.

RT2 and RT3 both had a "bulldozer" option. You still wasted a lot of money if you screwed up, but at least you could change it. What these games seriously need is a pause feature to let you make sure you get your track the way you intend it to be before continuing forward.

I certainly cannot be the only one with this gripe, can I?

Am I missing something? Any help is appreciated. Thanks,


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Re: Bulldoze?

Post by Lowell » Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:44 am

The game can be paused...use the pause key on the keyboard...there is also a pause icon on the in-game browser. Track can be removed after you lay it down...simply click on the track section, then look at the small screen that pops up at the bottom...there is a remove button that you can click and that will pull the track back up.

If you place an industry in a city however...it won't let you take the industry back out.

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Re: Bulldoze?

Post by darkheath » Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:03 am

Hey... thanks a lot, Lowell! I knew it made no sense NOT to have that ability. It's still a little unwieldy (at least in this particular case), but helpful to know for the future. This game is a total loss. Morgan "pwned" me. I'll start another one tomorrow night.

Thanks again!

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Re: Bulldoze?

Post by darkheath » Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:07 am

Oh.. and I know it has a pause button. I was talking about a pop-up asking if you are sure the track is laid the way you want it before it takes the money from your account. Mainly because it costs money to lay it AND to take it up, so a lot can be wasted that way.

I guess I didn't explain that well enough.

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Re: Bulldoze?

Post by karsten » Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:54 am

Look closely, there is a continuous pop-up as you move the track, telling you how much it will cost, how steep etc. Invaluable for frugal Robber Barons! (If you still make a mistake, highlight the piece of track and hit delete button on keyboard - quick and simple).

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Re: Bulldoze?

Post by darkheath » Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:26 am

I saw the pop-up, Karsten. But once you let go... the money is just gone, right? Then if you need to correct it, it costs more to delete a track. If it's a particularly long section, it can really screw things up financially.

I'd rather have the chance to figit with it and get it exactly how I need it and then a confirmation pop-up. I've WAY too often let go of the button at the wrong moment and had sections that I couldn't attach to or stuck in an odd angle in a mountain, etc. In RT, you could approach a river at an odd angle and it wouldn't let you put a bridge over it... or worse, put an expensive bridge in and then you couldn't extend from the other side. That kind of thing can be pretty darn frustrating.

Bear in mind, I'm mainly drawing from RT2/RT3 experience as I've only started a couple of SMR games so far. I DO like how the city moves around your tracks. That certainly makes it easier, though.

Thanks for the responses guys.

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Re: Bulldoze?

Post by Adamas » Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:30 am

darkheath wrote: I've WAY too often let go of the button at the wrong moment and had sections that I couldn't attach to or stuck in an odd angle in a mountain, etc.
It seems like you build tracks with click-drag mouse-let go of the button?

I just left-click the mouse once, move my mouse to the end point, and if I decide to actually lay the track, I left-click once more, if it does not look good I right-click to cancel it.

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Re: Bulldoze?

Post by pherschel » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:55 pm

Here's some things I came across:

When you lay track, if you hold the right mouse button down, you can change the curve of the track to smooth out those sharp turns.

Leaving little bridges around can be useful. If you later need to run a track under it you can, just minus down a bit with the new track.

You can redraw track after changes by dragging a station along the track.

To help get bridges to draw better keep their section of track a small as possible. (When laying track each click becomes a section.)

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