Warll – SMRSIMPLE https://smrsimple.com Custom Maps for Sid Meier's Railroads! Tue, 18 Feb 2025 02:20:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 60669389 Keystone State https://smrsimple.com/2025/02/keystone-state/ https://smrsimple.com/2025/02/keystone-state/#comments Tue, 18 Feb 2025 02:20:43 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1545 Welcome to Keystone State v2. This map was designed as a one-player SAM. It features a few new
Goods and Industries. Following testing by ace player railage, a few corrections were made to my
original map – thus the version 2. You can build tunnels, but keep them short. They are very expensive.

Spreading your track across the map will make play easier and you will avoid spaghetti track. I hope
that you enjoy Keystone State.

https://smrsimple.com/2025/02/keystone-state/feed/ 2 1545
Dakota Territory https://smrsimple.com/2024/11/dakota-territory/ https://smrsimple.com/2024/11/dakota-territory/#comments Sat, 16 Nov 2024 23:35:37 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1541 In late 1865, Colonel Harold Sneedbee petitioned President Andrew Johnson and Congress for a grant
to build a railroad across the Dakota Territory. The grant was made in 1866 and by 1867 Col. Sneedbee
began laying track. Your job Colonel, is to make your dream a reality.

This map was designed as a one player SAM. Ace tester railage reports that the map plays well
with AI players. The map does not allow crossovers. Too cross existing track, you must switch through.

I hope that you enjoy Dakota Territory.

https://smrsimple.com/2024/11/dakota-territory/feed/ 3 1541
Midwest Freight https://smrsimple.com/2024/08/midwest-freight/ https://smrsimple.com/2024/08/midwest-freight/#comments Tue, 20 Aug 2024 03:07:37 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1536 Welcome to Midwest Freight, a SAM designed as a 1 player map. It plays in 3 Eras starting in 1920. You will see a Passenger good listed, but it is not used. It is there because it is a game requirement. You may find it advantageous to build and industry or 2. You may also want to re-purpose some industries as you progress. There are no crossovers. To cross existing track, you must switch through. I hope that you enjoy Midwest Freight.

https://smrsimple.com/2024/08/midwest-freight/feed/ 8 1536
Arizona Rails https://smrsimple.com/2024/05/arizona-rails/ https://smrsimple.com/2024/05/arizona-rails/#comments Tue, 07 May 2024 03:00:33 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1532 Welcome to Arizona Rails. This map has been thoroughly tested and should run well for you. This map
runs in 3 Eras from 1945 to 2006. This map was designed as a single player map but should run well
playing with AI. This is a SAM map. There are no crossovers so to cross existing track, you must
switch through. You will probably want to buy some industries while playing. The map features a few
new goods, industries, etc. I hope that you enjoy Arizona Rails.

By Slider38

https://smrsimple.com/2024/05/arizona-rails/feed/ 5 1532
The Great Northwest https://smrsimple.com/2024/02/the-great-northwest/ https://smrsimple.com/2024/02/the-great-northwest/#comments Mon, 05 Feb 2024 03:08:23 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1528 Railroads arrive in the Great Northwest. This map runs in 3 Eras from 1890 thru 1950. This map is a SAM and was designed as a single-player map.
There are no crossovers. To cross existing track you must switch through. Tunnels are expensive. Use them sparingly.
You will probably want to build some industries. I found through testing that it was sometimes advantageous to remove old trains
and possibly unneeded track. Be aware that the good “Brick” can only be delivered to Metros and Cities. At the start of the map neither
exists. I hope you enjoy The Great Northwest.


https://smrsimple.com/2024/02/the-great-northwest/feed/ 6 1528
Heart of Texas https://smrsimple.com/2023/11/heart-of-texas/ https://smrsimple.com/2023/11/heart-of-texas/#comments Tue, 14 Nov 2023 01:54:36 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1522 Welcome to the Heart of Texas SMR map. This is a SAM and was designed as a single-player map.
That said it has been tested with AI and played ok. This map was a tough one as I was chasing
an issue that was causing crashes. It took a while but that has been resolved. I want to thank
railage for his help in testing this map. A few corrections were made, thus this is the 2nd
version of this map. The map plays in 3 eras from 1920 to 1980. I hope you enjoy Heart of Texas.


https://smrsimple.com/2023/11/heart-of-texas/feed/ 4 1522
RAILGRADE, a new train tycoon, is coming to Steam! https://smrsimple.com/2023/07/railgrade-a-new-train-tycoon-is-coming-to-steam/ https://smrsimple.com/2023/07/railgrade-a-new-train-tycoon-is-coming-to-steam/#comments Fri, 28 Jul 2023 01:35:56 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1514

Hello Everyone!

I’m Daniel, I’ve been running SmrSimple for about 15 years now. Since my childhood I’ve loved playing train games. A feeling I am sure many reading can share 🙂 Over the years since participating in the SMR modding scene I eventually made my way into the game industry. From there I worked up my career to eventually making my dream game: RAILGRADE.

In making RAILGRADE I took many lessons from SMR. Not least of which was I wanted to fix branching. As you may know in SMR the AI often gets trains deadlocked. We solved that whole-sale in RAILGRADE by giving players full control over where and when trains take branches. We then structured the entire game around a handcrafted campaign. We’re further working on supporting a proper in-game map editor along with support for the Steam workshop. Thus a site like smrsimple would not even be required in the future to grab new maps for RAILGRADE, you will be able to download them directly!

If any of that catches your interest please consider wishlisting my game on Steam 🙂 Thank you for your time and consideration.

https://smrsimple.com/2023/07/railgrade-a-new-train-tycoon-is-coming-to-steam/feed/ 4 1514
Rocky Mountain High https://smrsimple.com/2023/06/rocky-mountain-high/ https://smrsimple.com/2023/06/rocky-mountain-high/#comments Wed, 28 Jun 2023 03:23:31 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1510 Welcome to Rocky Mountain High. This was designed as a single-player SAM (Stand Alone Map). There are
some new industries, engines and traincars to make things interesting. The map allows tunnels but they
are expensive. In order to cross existing track you must switch through. There are no crossovers.

The tourist good can be a little tricky. The map is setup so that Metros, Towns and Cities provide tourists
and Villages accept them. If the village you are delivering to grows to be a town, your delivery of
tourists will no longer count toward your goals. Keep an eye on that.

The map has been thoroughly tested and should not present any problems during game play. I hope you
enjoy Rocky Mountain High.

~ Slider38

https://smrsimple.com/2023/06/rocky-mountain-high/feed/ 7 1510
Ohio Rails https://smrsimple.com/2023/03/ohio-rails/ https://smrsimple.com/2023/03/ohio-rails/#comments Fri, 03 Mar 2023 08:14:18 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1485 Welcome to Ohio Rails. This map was designed as a one player map but will work with AI players as well. The map features new,
larger version 2 train cars more appropriately sized for the engines pulling them. There are no crossovers. To cross existing track
you must switch through. There is only one legitimate way to get to Canada – a bridge from Detroit to Windsor. As this bridge is a
required goal, this should present no problems. I hope that you enjoy Ohio Rails.


https://smrsimple.com/2023/03/ohio-rails/feed/ 12 1485
St. Lawrence River https://smrsimple.com/2022/11/st-lawrence-river/ https://smrsimple.com/2022/11/st-lawrence-river/#comments Thu, 01 Dec 2022 06:13:04 +0000 https://smrsimple.com/?p=1478 Welcome to St. Lawrence River. This map runs in 4 Eras spanning 1840 to 1935. This is a SAM (Stand Alone Map). You will find
many industries available to help you accomplish your goals. You are required to build a Bank in Montreal. You will have to grow
the Town to a City in order to accomplish your task. Do not wait too long to begin deliveries to and from Montreal.

This map does not allow crossovers. To cross existing track you must switch through. It is to your advantage to update your engines.
Keep an eye on your maintenance costs.

This map has been well tested, first by me at the Mogul Level and then by railage at the Robber Baron Level. Thanks again railage.
There is a Goods List in the Warehouse folder which might prove helpful. I hope that you enjoy the map.


https://smrsimple.com/2022/11/st-lawrence-river/feed/ 8 1478