Comments on: New York Central and The Erie Custom Maps for Sid Meier's Railroads! Wed, 12 Oct 2016 19:18:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: railage Wed, 12 Oct 2016 19:18:27 +0000 I look forward to a new version or if you make another map in the future.

My hat’s off to you for making a map that guides the player down a play path which simulates actual history. This is hard to do in SMR. I think the restrictive goals, while probably being a bit too severe, help keep the story on track. There’s no time to waste on unrealistic side-pursuits.

This map was instrumental in shaping my high-traffic routing solutions. Naturally I’m curious how you, the designer, handle the high-traffic situations. Do you force one-way traffic by including a mid-way “way-point” stop specific to only that direction, or do you use “sidings” similar to those I used?

By: Chris Lewek Wed, 12 Oct 2016 01:27:33 +0000 Thank you all very much for all the feedback,
Andre & Railage you were especially helpful.

I may just lower some of the requirement amounts
as I myself have only won the game once or twice on
Robber Baron.

My Main Goal of this map was to tell the story of
New York State railroading and try to nail the timeline
and industrial history the best that I could.

I was having thoughts of reworking this map slightly
by including cities in Pennsylvania and Jersey, while
thinning out some of the Upstate New York cities.
This act would usher in the Pennsy so it may take me
a few months of research and testing to come out with it.

By: railage Sun, 10 Jul 2016 06:28:19 +0000 I’m RRman, but signed up to the forum on this site with the name railage. I uploaded a saved game of this map a few months ago to the forum. Link: One of my favorite maps for sure.

In that forum post I explain my routing strategy in a little detail. I always use Hard routing difficulty also. It’s unfortunate that SMR has very basic signals, however it’s still possible to make some fairly complex, jam-free layouts.

By: Andre Sat, 09 Jul 2016 05:28:42 +0000 Still playing in 2016!!

This is probably one of the hardest maps I have played, but its really enjoyable too.
I noticed that some of the goals seemed unrealistic given their time frames (especially with carload numbers).. I found I had to plan ahead very early on, just to meet the objectives..

I managed to complete more than half of the medals but the last 3 objectives were flat out of reach. I didn’t quite understand the point of making a food plant in Buffalo, and noticed that when grain was delivered, it would interfere with beer production, thus limiting my ability to transport it to NY.

I love to play SMR on the hardest routing difficulty, and I guess this slows things right down… but I kept noticing that I just had to keep laying track for stalled trains even when there were track spaces available next to them.. This seems to be a problem with SMR.. Its really sad that the AI’s routing system is so very poor! I usually don’t get this problem because SMR’s maps are simpler but on this monster the AI buckled.

By: RRman Mon, 15 Feb 2016 13:46:29 +0000 KELLIR, I also got that. Turns out that is standard game behavior if you tick “Wait until Full”. Even if you untick that option when the the train is waiting in the station, the reserve still happens. The game waits until a full 1.00 load is in station storage before it loads a car on the train. That particular partial load is untouchable by any other trains.

With “Wait until Full” un-ticked the game will load any part of a load available even if it’s 0.01 and then depart. That partial load will count as a full one in the victory counter. The partial load shouldn’t be counted. That’s the bug I see.

Karsten made Uganda where he requires using partial loads as there aren’t enough full loads available in total. Partial loads can also be used to grow a city faster at the expense of profit of course.

Hope you are enjoying the challenge of this map. I am mainly over on but I did join the forum here recently. I could post a saved game of my Robber Baron win on this forum (anyone can download it here) if that’s of interest to you.

By: KELLIR Mon, 15 Feb 2016 07:44:46 +0000 I think I have found a bug in this map. Passegers and mail will auto reserve. This can block another train from picking up passegers and mail even if that train is sitting at the station.

By: RRman Sun, 19 Apr 2015 11:00:35 +0000 Great, quality map! A wonderful challenge on Robber Baron. As a casual player I had to have numerous attempts to get the right strategy to achieve the 1871 goal. Then the third attempt re-starting from that point was successful. Buffalo didn’t quite grow fast enough to accept M Gds in time, so had to build an Oil Refinery in Jamestown as I had been 3 loads short on the last attempt. SMR with challenge. Thank-you!

By: Ciendolor Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:19:07 +0000 Fantastic job. Really. Thanks!

By: Chris Lewek Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:24:44 +0000 Myself and Karsten have completed it. It is tedious, but rewarding in the end. You get to learn a lot about the history of railroading in the Northeast of the U.S.

By: Aquind Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:05:25 +0000 Has anyone completed this successfully? I can make enough money and got the first two achievements but I cant scroll and place rails fast enough to make it past that.
