Comments on: Iceland Custom Maps for Sid Meier's Railroads! Wed, 22 Jun 2016 13:11:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dalesmann Wed, 22 Jun 2016 13:11:16 +0000 As a Mac user I have found that most of Mike’s maps work without crashing; my only suggestion is that he makes the scenarios a little more challenging. It would be interesting to know if he develops his maps on a mac.

Australia is the other map that works without a glitch.

By: Brian Preece Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:12:17 +0000 As other correspondents have said, it’s quite easy to achieve the goals but fun to play as I don’t know anything about Iceland (other than that my friend Bally Siggurdson went to school with Bjork).

Could be made a bit more challenging by making tunnels and bridges expensive in the early stages as has been done in some other maps.

By: Jon Smith Mon, 02 Apr 2012 00:00:35 +0000 Found the reference to the UK file and changed it. Thanks

If you are going to fix things, shouldn’t you add coal mines, since you have steel mills, power plants, and automobile factories? Iceland seems to have a prolific coal mining industry.

By: karsten Sun, 01 Apr 2012 14:56:03 +0000 Interesting observation you made.
The scenario points to
so changing the scenario’s own train file is not going to have any effect.
Amazing, the list of things to fix gets longer by the week…

By: Jon Smith Sat, 31 Mar 2012 22:45:26 +0000 Why can’t you modify the trains.xml file? I tried to remove some of trains, but the scenario won’t read those changes.

Interesting map – enjoyed it.

The coordinates for Heimaey need to be moved – they point to a location in the middle of the water, so you can’t install a depot there.

By: Minotaur Sat, 17 Dec 2011 21:47:31 +0000 It is very easy if you start near Reykjavic. I’ve met all goals by 55 years before the end on “Robber Baron” with 3 AIs. Total absence of trees is quite annoying.

By: tsjingtsjing Sun, 01 May 2011 12:11:53 +0000 This is the first map I’ve tried from this website (wich is great by the way!!). First of all, thank u for this scenario but I have some remarks:
* the goals are far too easy (from where I started, near Reykjavic)
* there are almost no cities of importance and you don’t actually need the dozens of small villages on the map. I finished all te goals of the 3 periods even 14 years before the end of period 1 and just played around Reykjavic and just that one goal city in the nord.
* the map is quite ‘unattractive’ because everything is white and there is no vegetation.
* how can I produce cars/steel if there’s no raw material for it?

But all in all, an enjoyable map! Thank u!!

By: Jimbobbedyjobob Wed, 27 Oct 2010 08:41:01 +0000 OK! So I must have installed it wrong! Works fine now. I found it bloody hard though. Even playing at easiest! I started in Hofn, and there’s just NOTHING there. Though freinds from Iceland may beg to differ…

By: Jimbobbedyjobob Mon, 25 Oct 2010 20:32:26 +0000 Um… is it just me who’s finding the prices of Depots rather insane? Is it me, or do industry depots cost two million krona?

By: Stormer01 Wed, 02 Jun 2010 22:34:57 +0000 I enjoyed this map completed it 46 years early. A couple of suggestions:

1. Make the upgrades at the stations more expensive.
2. Use the interior with bigger cites or resources so the terrain comes into play.

Overall though a good map with good thought objectives and goals
