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Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:52 am
by Greybriar
dwax wrote:Also I can't use some Sam's, no matter what I do they just CTD. I can use the regular maps tho without a problem.
Usually I have the opposite results--the SAM maps are the only ones that don't crash to desktop so often it makes the game unplayable. Even the last CIC map crashed shortly after I started playing it. Some SAMs do crash however. I wonder why.

Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:13 am
by mikeyc
This whole thread is confusing thjere is no need for it.
Tazz has installed Sams at the beginning of each relevant map thread. Big deal!
Why on earth is there no explanation of what is going on? If someone wants to download a map which one do they download. I asked a friend of mine who is partially familiar with this forum to download a map and they were unsure what to do ie, which one to download.
Sub forums would create more dramas. Things would become too scattered.
Just put a sticky at the top of the maps section along the lines of:
Please read this before downloading any maps.
Each map has its own thread and at the top of the thread is the original map presented by the map maker. You are welcome to download this map however experience has suggested that there may be playability issues.
If there is a SAM ( Stand Alone Map) or CIC (Clean Install Compatable) suffix to a map then you would be advised to download this version of the map as it has been tested for playability and would not be expected to crash during play.
Information on installing SAMs and CICs is available here.
Lets keep it simple.

Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:14 pm
by karsten
Greybriar wrote:Some SAMs do crash however. I wonder why.
OK, we need to clarify something. Standalone maps bring a massive improvement in map stability, I would estimate they reduce crashes by 80%. But they are no panacea. Why?

If a map has stability problems beyond those caused by global dependency, it is still going to crash. Take a very simple example. Ceebee's BCGold, SAM version, will crash just as certainly as the original version, which caused so much frustration to Ceebee. The reason is simple, the event file has not been fixed. I have provided a fixed, standalone version here for those who are interested in playing a crash-free version of this otherwise very enjoyable map.

So, while a 80% reduction in crashes is obviously not 100%, it is still a massive improvement. And that is why a new subforum makes sense. It would make even more sense if only maps which had been successfully and seriously tested to a crash-free completion were posted on the new subforum. The maps with remaining stability problems could thus be identified and fixed.

It is sometimes quite simple to fix the remaining issues. For example, replacing a missing event file by a safe event file takes only a minute, as I have demonstrated for the BCGold map. For those interested in the problems caused by more ambitious and problematic event files, check out my discussion here :P

Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:22 pm
by Greybriar
Thank you, karsten!

Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:23 pm
by Jancsika
This whole thread is confusing there is no need for it.
Tazz has installed Sams at the beginning of each relevant map thread. Big deal!
Why on earth is there no explanation of what is going on? If someone wants to download a map which one do they download. I asked a friend of mine who is partially familiar with this forum to download a map and they were unsure what to do ie, which one to download.
It really should no be confusing. There is the very first thread on the Map Making forum (right above this one)
All you have to do is to read it and install your SAM map accordingly. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:17 pm
by Max Macau
Karsten - I am sorry to inform you that you have not fixed anything, what you have done is rigged it. Had you fixed the problem then we would know what part of the RRT_Events.xml to repair. Instead you replaced it with a file that, I guess you made up. That stunt solves nothing since we still do not know what if anything is messing up the game's event file. Just so everyone understands, the events XML is defaulted in the map as written by the author. By his statement, Karsten is claiming that the publisher created the buggy file. Also, if the file is buggy, then you should also know which lines are buggy. Please explain.

The second item that should be mentioned is that you altered someone's map and posted it. Based on the discussions that are all over this forum, I hope you are willing to be attacked on the subject. Many people have been having a fit over their maps being converted to SAM without the XML being dramatically altered. You altered the XML, thus changing the Author's intention. I see that as eventually causing a real uproar, especially if you post your own version of the wrong map. I agree that all content is the property of 2K and Fireaxis regardless of who creates it, I just know you will eventually step on someone's toes and then it will really hit the fan. Beware of mines, they are everywhere.

Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:19 am
by karsten
Hi Tjier, welcome back to the forum!
Brimming with positive energy and enthusiasm as usual, I see! :lol:

Re: Is anyone else as confused as I am?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:24 pm
by Lowell
Greybriar wrote:
dwax wrote:Also I can't use some Sam's, no matter what I do they just CTD. I can use the regular maps tho without a problem.
Usually I have the opposite results--the SAM maps are the only ones that don't crash to desktop so often it makes the game unplayable. Even the last CIC map crashed shortly after I started playing it. Some SAMs do crash however. I wonder why.
Remember...if a Sam or CIC map gets an update made to it...when you re-enter the game, you must scroll past that maps pick in the screen, then scroll back, click and enter the map. If not, the game will try to reload the old set of files...see they are changed or missing and crash. It’s that stupid time stamp stuff.

Some items have changed on the rebuilding of the old global maps to the Sam style. Many didn't have the tender mods added. The Utah Sam map, needs a global Difficulty file added to it so players use Univerisum's money settings...his Bat file, which he never needed anyway, set those.

The old global map files still have life. If say someone only wants to load the global Basin and Range map, and say One ofKarsten or Rodea's great maps and maybe one or two others. They could leave their game set as global maps and run it fine. Thus leaving those maps permanently in the game.

The single map file system seems the best way to go at this point. The Sam versions made I feel are very important, as they get those maps running with this new system. However I still like to read through the first pages when the map author talks about the play of his/her map. Many times the map maker gives clues to better play I would hate to loose those first posts on those map threads.

It seems we need a sticky tutorial about the two file types, and an explanation that the single file maps are the better way to go.

It might be best as Wolfwood and Karsten suggest. to the event files, just update the maps files with a corrected one. Event files are easy to set and fix...just list only what your map produces, nothing more. When making new custom events, just test them out first. :)
Hi Tjier, welcome back to the forum!
Brimming with positive energy and enthusiasm as usual, I see!
Yes welcome back.