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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:05 am
by jowe10
MeierVille is a 15 x 15 map with some new content. This map mixes spread out resources with things closer together to allow you to make money quickly and move around the map. You will be able to make money, you just have to do it quickly to reach all the goals. Tunnel and bridges cost more in this remote mountainous region. Track laying strategy will be key to building an industrial empire.

You will start in the south and have to work your way to the rich resources in the interior island, and the cattle ranches on the large open plain in the north.

You will be moving cattle from cattle ranches to tannerys (Thanks Choobacca) to create cowhides. You will then take the cowhides to saddle manufacturers to make saddles. Those saddles can be then taken back to the cattle ranches for the ranch hands, creating a neat loop. You will get paid for the saddles being delivered to the cattle ranch, but the game unfortunately would not let me set a goal of delivering saddles to a depot.

There is a saloon to accept beer and a bank to accept gold (Thanks Karsten). I also tried some graphics modifications (e.g. modifying the newspaper to be a bank to make them look a little different), but this is not my strong suit as I don't have the graphic tools or know-how to do this well.

This map uses custom resources. I will attempt to list the things you need to do to make it work smoothly on your computer, but all computers are different, so I may miss some detail in version 1.0 of this map. If you are not comfortable with this I suggest you wait until some of the more experienced players test the map, or an installer is created. I can only say it runs without issue on two separate computers I have here.

This map is designed to be played with bridges and tunnel costs raised. The map will be easier if you don't raise the costs as you will be able to cross rivers and cut through mountains easily. In order to raise the tunnel costs the global RRT_Tunels.xml file will have to be changed. Once this is done, ALL maps will be affected. Therefore, you have 3 choices:

1) Choose not to modify the file and play the map with default tunnel costs.
2) Modify the tunnel costs and just leave it for all maps (I did because I think the tunnel costs are too low. it is too easy to just cut through a mountain).
3) Move your originial file to another directory; replace it with the file in this zip, and then put it back when you are done with this map

To play this map:

1) Install the Super Bowl express map

2) Extract the folder MeierVille_Custom into the ...My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Custom Assets directory

3) Extract the folder MeierVille and the file MeierVille.SMR_Scenario into the ...My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\UserMaps directory

4) Decide which of the 3 options above for tunnel costs you would like to use. If you choose to raise the tunnel costs, move the file RRT_Tunnels.xml from the ...My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Custom Assets\XML directory and put it in a directory of your choice (to restore later). Move the file RRT_Tunnels.xml from ...My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Custom Assets\MeierVille_Custom directory (installed in step 2) into the ...\Custom Assets\XML directory.

5) See the readme.txt file for a copy of these instructions and code that needs to be pasted to the end of your global RRT_Events.xml file.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:39 am
by K-class
Hello jowe10

Map CTD's on startup.

Complete fresh reinstall and reinstall of all maps in Required Modded Maps.

Also there is no global global RRT_Events.xml in my documents only appears in C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\Assets\XML

I think your map is dependant on some other files.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:32 pm
by dwax
Why are some of the newer maps coming out always CTD? :(

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:03 pm
by K-class
My thoughts on this are as SMR is is such a temperamental beast and as we know not well coded and as pointed out by choobacca in IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MAP-MAKERS AND MODDERS there is some limitations on what can be done.

Meierville and FourBears look to be great maps but are using existing content and that's the issue and there could be duplicate file names etc.

Meierville and FourBears just need some re tweaking as there content is conflicting with some existing content or my folder is missing some content or the global XML's have a conflict.

The answer will prob be the FanExpansion/Patch that will give us a clean base to work off.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:10 pm
by dwax
I looked and I don't have a global RRT_Events.xml file. I wonder if thats why it crashed? :shock:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:58 pm
by Jancsika
There is no global events file unless you copy it over from the “Assetsâ€

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:16 pm
by jowe10
Jancsika - The cowhide car is in the train cars file. You may have just overlooked it.

You do need to have a global events xml file for the custom events to work. Otherwise it will CTD. If you don't want a global events file or to use the custom events then you will have to change the scenario file to point to RRT_EVENTS.xml instead of RRT_EVENTS_MEIERVILLE.XML. Bottom line is you have to go all or nothing. Either copy the RRT_EVENTS file into the custom assets directory to create a global file, and then paste the new code into it, or change the reference in the scenario file so that you are not pointing to file to RRT_EVENTS_MEIERVILLE.XML. Just one of the quirks in the game.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:42 pm
by snoopy55
I do believe there is something you left out. I say this because it CTDs on me also, unless i remove either the complete Saddle Manufaturer or remove the Locations section for it, in which case it crashes when I try to place a Saddle Manufacturer.

Looking into it......

Also, you need to trim your files down. You have a few things that are unneeded. A Swine Farm will not happen without a location added, and you have no use for Swine anyway.


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:54 pm
by snoopy55
jowe10 - Zip your CustomAssets folder EXCEPT for XML and post it. The only way to play this map is to not have a Saddle Manufacture. I want to see what you have.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:42 am
by jowe10

Here is a zip of the custom assets folder which I am playing the map on now. There really isn't much there. I zipped the whole thing, including the XML, even though you said without XML. Since there wasn't much else in there I figured you could just delete the XML if you don't want it. I thought it might help.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:57 am
by K-class
Thanks jowe10 for posting all your folders. Moved mine off to a safe place and used yours and played your map no CTD's

I like what you have done with the newspaper and adding some extra bits like saddles to ranches make sense.

Good layout nice long tracks and very playable and enjoyable map.

snoopy55 looks to be on to it and will have it sorted in no time :evil: SMR

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:13 pm
by snoopy55
jowe10 - I HATE YOU :? !! My head hates you :? ! My 'map to be' hates you :? ! All this time I spent trying to find out why your map keeps CTDing and while I've found a solution, I still haven't found an answer :roll: !

Anyone wanting to play this map needs to do something which makes no sense to me (at 5:30 in the morning at least :? )1 Open RRT_Goods_MeierVille.xml and GLOBAL RRT_Goods.xml. Copy the full section for Saddles from the first and past it into the second. save the second. The map will then work. It did for me, and if it doesn't for any of you, post here along with your coppy of those two files and I'll look it over.

As I said, it makes no sense. No other map has needed a GLOBAL entry in order for it to work if it already has the same entry in the map. This hasn't been tried with every other map, so I may be wrong here. I checked the entries in both files from his post and they are the same. i'm glad you decided to send your full 'CustomAssets' as I'd still be pulling my hair out if you hadn't.

As to the mention of what I do, what I'd like in return is a bit of graphics editing on some of this stuff, like the Bank and Hotel and such. There have to be people out there that can do graphic editing. If your problem is with the programing part of it, ask and someone should be able to help you. I've played with a bit of that myself. please..... :cry:


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:23 pm
by dwax
I never got it to work snoopy,here are the RRT_Goods.xml's I did what you said, but still get the CTD. :(

Yet I did what K-class did and it worked. :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:31 pm
by dwax
Switching his custom assets to mine then going back messed my game up pretty bad. I had to go back to an older saved back up to play the game again. If you try that I would recommend back up your game. I lost 2.15gigs of game. :(

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:36 pm
by snoopy55
Leave it to a Donkey.....

When you pasted the section in you over wrote a line in the section above it. Look to the uploaded file for what I mean. If you have a different set installed, just redo the section I have marked and if you have made an error (if you are using Notepad++) it will let you know. If you are not using it, it may be a good reason to when you are editing.
